senti me!
The last time i wrote on frnds, love and #, i hated my guts for being so emotional. How on earth can my very disdain from any sort of public show of emotions turn in to an outburst of "senti-ness" from my keyboard... on my very own blog.
Of a few things that are really hard for me to stand are emotions... the saas bahu dramas,the utter fuss ... the cries ... And a bandi crying!--- oh thats a worst nightmare that may come alive.
Emotions are somethigs one feels personally. Its ones own personal space. Ones own world.
For me its my life, my pain and my joy.
Joy...my happiness... i may choose to share. For there may be people who happen to be the source of my happiness.
But it isnt an option when it comes my failures, my past, my pain. Its my path and something which i bear sole responsibility for. Why should i share?
Ny case it always "awes" me as to how people/girls can be so emotional at times... in fact many times... and for many of them all the times. lol ;)
Off lately i seem to have started enjoying the bouts of sentimentalism from an xyz frnd *wink wink* ;)
btw the life at present is really a roller coaster ride these days... days are passing at a pace like never before.
Exams have blown the air out of even the most hardened lazy souls (like me of course).
A daily night duty till 5 am is nearly indispensible. Collecting notes, solving problems... and nearly a 1000 page book to mug up! lifes really hectic. Moreover am heavily involved in completing Prince of persia (the game)... its eatin away my hours like nythin.
And yes! some msgs to reply for a new frnd. and stand the blame if the replies are delayed (which by all my bad luck ARE)
another point... am really indebted to Bhalu (arjun) as i fully understand that am the sole "kamina" (-in bhalu terminology) who has emptied nearly a kg of sohan papdi... 2-3 mixture packets... a few biscuit packets.... a full walnut cake... a few bottles of ready to drink squash....
and many more items that bhalu so innocently had brought after diwali.
And Saksham! screw you! you will be solely responsible if i screw up my exams in the Prince of persia (GAME) madness... stop giving me games ka dose in exam season!