Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The show goes on...


Its been over an year now, since on a breezy cool Friday evening i landed up in Bangalore, unsure of the forthcoming. Gladly was in purple haze the very next day, boozing away to glory. Times spent have been... of all things... fresh... Every other Saturday night was another benchmark of awesomeness to be breached the very next. Pubs, restaurants, weekend out's ... gawd! i have cribbed so much over the beauty of the life in college, only to look back now and face a year spent doing things, i imagined were never to be in my life. From foreign trip to car trip. Drunken New year Party to Friday Horror nights.

I miss ppl from college. I miss college. I miss home. But i have AP & Nig for the partners in crime.And life's still a whole lot fun & new things every other WEEKEND.

Need to find new things for the weekdays.... The show goes on...