Saturday, February 21, 2009


they say love is sweet.

i disagree.

love is not sweet, it is not meant to be sweet. it can never be sweet. people who say such things have never felt love... even if they did, it was surely not the way i experienced it.

love is extreme. love is intense. and it burns hot or freezes cold.

ive felt love more than once. ive felt love when i hear a song repeatedly for hours. and ive felt love when i sit down for hours sit down in front of the computer looking  up things, doing things.  and its love when sometimes i  smoke in solitude for my own satisfaction and my own freedom. and was it not love when i stood in the balcony when it was freezing, looking ahead in darkness contemplating... what next?

and its love when there is  just commitment to do somethin and an effort to work hard for it.

And how can it not be sheer love when i try to define it and i cannot... 

Friday, February 20, 2009

i disappoint me.

(first things first... the title is utterly rubbish, its gramatically incorrect! - random reader of nigams blog if you are reading this then, am sorry)

I donno if its far to early to write this post but, it has been utter disappointment that my entry was not selected for technovision 09 (DCE techfest technical paper presentation contest) or TechXbit (IET tech fest). Its a disppointment not just cause it wasnt selected but for the fact that i really worked hard for it... nearly 5 days working all alone, late nights till 4-5 am and you know... missed out on quite a few things. Had put all that MBA prep on the backburner... And the hunger at 3 am in the morning at the hostel... F***! 
AND THE BASE LINE BEING THAT I CRAMMED AND SLOGGED WITH ALL THAT HELL LOADS OF BOOKS AND NET... sheer frustration...  And all that hardwork seem ki it has gone down the drain.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

My entry for tatva

Tatva09- tech fest of polymer science branch at dce.
and here was my entry for the essay writing competition...
(It was undoubtedly nigam who inspired me to jump in the bandwagon of this competition--- thanx nigam)
And hey... if you are able to read it till its end, criticism of any brutal level would be most welcome. (Plz dont clutter the comments section with any praise)

Has technology abetted terrorism?

Guns don’t seem so offensive. Resting in the hands of the security officer at the nearest metro station we derive from it a sense of security. We feel protected from the next fanatic zealot who might be out to kill innocents. But isn’t it our naiveté, that se so choose to ignore that it’s this very gun that will take the like of a human. A human who might not realize the importance of life, which we proudly claim we do. And at the end of the day, what we are left with are the dead bodies. Bodies of both that security officer and that strayed youth. Both killed by the offshoot of a technology that some man invented, whatever reason he might have. Ingenious ways to terrorize with likes chemical, biological and nuclear weapons are being explored and tried every day.

Has technology abetted terrorism?

Unequivocally and unambiguously yes.

Let’s analyze a more fundamental question that lies in the heart of matters. What is terrorism? Is it just about another idiosyncratic zealot out with his Ak -47 India TV shows us?


If yes, then what do you call the war on Iraq? Was it legitimate considering the fact that it was waged on the premise of a confirmed report that sighted Iraq as possessing weapons of mass destruction? Iraq did not have weapons. A war was waged with weapons developed on premise of defence. A nation was bombed and conquered by force and coercion by the sheer power of technological superiority. A nation was plunged in to a civil war. And people, innocent people died. Is this not terrorism? Was it not the technology that enabled such terrorism?

It would be grossly myopic to limit the definition of terrorism to such small scope and timeline.

It’s not just US with present technology; the same were repeated time and again by USSR in Afghanistan, Britain in the colonized countries, and Spaniards in the Latin America.

Throughout ages technology has been used solely to aid dominance and dominance to rule and coerce is nothing but terrorism. And by all facts technology has been used to abet terrorism.

Forget Iraq. Nearly half of African continent is submerged in a civil war. A war, which has been waging since last 50 years. In countries like Sudan, Uganda, Chad, Congo and Somalia, It’s a world where Ak-47s elect governments, buy rations and provide shelter. Even in the nooks of civilization where advancement hasn’t seeped, technology to coerce and terrorize has found its way. Its technology and terror that have complemented each other.


Let’s look at another facet of terrorism and the technology. This facet rather than being overt is much potent in boardrooms and with people holding the strings to money. The financial terrorism. Since the start of our civilization we have leaped in to the age of global markets. Money controls how people act and it has become more fluid than ever. It can be transferred from one part of the world to another by just a click of a mouse. And herein malefactors have found ways too. From one off incidents of terrorizing in the name of siphoning off bank accounts to global pressure tactics by financially strong countries its all the same terror. Hawala money transfer is used to finance terrorists in far off lands. Countries like US and EU use strong arm tactics on other countries to force them in to suitable agreements with threats of economic sanctions. Seemingly innocuous they may be, but it’s just new technology and new way of terrorizing.


A closely related technology to finance which also is the heart beat of modern age is information technology and computers. Nothing was more ingenious than the way technology was misused to abet terrorism with computers and IT. With streaming media on internet that relayed latest bigotry of hardliner islamists and Osama’s from stone age Afghanistan to every other day beheadings that these murderers filmed of their victims it had it all, hasn’t IT and computers played a role here as well?

Latest electronics, like video cameras, thermal night vision imagers to integrated circuits used in time bombs, everything that could help terror has helped terror.

From the idiosyncratic zihadi brigade, to the democratically elected governments who has not used the technology to dominate over others? To terrorize others?

Guns, Grenades, Bombs, Nuclear weapons, financial buttons and Information technology.

We live in a world where these are guarantors of peace, negotiators of policies and messiahs of freedom to fanaticism. Whether they were developed for this very use or is it our dented psyche that made us use them to destroy each other is another debate altogether.

 But with the above arguments presented who can say technology has not abetted terrorism?

Friday, February 13, 2009

V day



Life aint that bad. Eventhough V day sucks! life aint bad for sure.

and wishing all the couples a very happy V day. (and all the singles a very happy daaru party!)

Friday, February 6, 2009


(its a soldiers angel... the Valkyrie, of Norse mythology)

Last week was amongst my most busy since last end sem exam. The project, office... college... essays... and of course the "Band of Brothers" had kept me on my toes. Was literally running pillar to post completing one job or the other. 
And i guess the week had a good end today. Missed out on Dev D, but had a fine time. Pizzas after a long time can be really a good change. 

The martial way of life has since ages attracted me. Its a life of heroics and death has honour.

Oh yes, The Band of brothers. This 10 part series and covers (in dramatization) the heroics of the EASY company of  101st Airborne division, of US army,  in the world war II. Produced by Tom Hanks and Steven speilberg (with a rating of 9.6 on, it happens to be the best ive ever seen on television or in motion pictures. THE BEST. May be my veiws are slightly adultrated on account of my affinity to nything that relates to military, but still its something of a must watch for everyone of us who have absolutely no idea as to how peaceful a world we are living in.

As i write this one thig that just flashed back from the same series is a dialogue by Lieutenant 
Ronald Spiers: "The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function: without mercy, without compassion, without remorse. All war depends upon it."

I guess it surmises it all, all that i want to express. The purpose, the life, and the meaning of a soldier. And after watching those valiant men in their heroics for 10 hours in the Band of brothers series... am just far too dazzled.
Even the Nazi's... i dispise whatever they did and brought upon the whole world. But it wouldnt be justise if i fail to commend them on their military organisation. The fearsome, yet most proud and valiant officers the world ever saw were Waffen-SS.

War is merciless and war is despicable.
Yet i find the life of a soldier the most admirable. Its a life of duty.A life of purpose. No mumbling and grumblings. Orders define ones existence. Its a kind of slavery, yet it is free of all the things this vagabond mind keeps thinkin about.   

I would love to join army anyday. Yet the only thing that keeps me from doing it, is i dont think am made for it. Its not my purpose. Just so that i dont have to think it all, i cant run and be a soldier. I cant be a slave.

I end this with this very speech by the Wermacht Nazi Officer after the fall of Berlin...
(happens to be amongst my fav scene in the series)
It is a moving speech delivered with so much dignity you almost wouldn't know he is exhausted and surrendering.