Ive always aspired... to be be an idealist. I know ive failed miserably on all counts... and i am not a step headed even in the direction where i want myself to be in, as an idealist (following a set of beliefs that one prescribes to, at-least he thinks he aspires to follow )... and i hate myself for not being even a beginner there.... Yet somewhere down in the heart of my hearts i love ideals... the very spirit of following an ideal, a principle... a belief and the idea to uphold it in one's life, come what may...
So coming back to GYMing, i think this is where ive taken the very baby step towards even starting towards following an ideal. I had never attempted GYMing in my life. Always day dreamed about it once in a while, but never gathered enough courage to actually step into one. And now 15 days since i first stepped in to one, GYM turns out to be a place, something i never imagined.
The bedrock of the very foundation of GYMing is the idea of being true to oneself.
There the only person one is competing with is himself. The very benchmark one wishes to cross is his own, challenging once own limit. Ofcourse, one may be inspired by someone else to be able to develop muscles/stamina like him, but then again, to get there the competition is only with one's own limits.
I feel this very feeling... a feeling of purity... when i try to jog that last 500 metres on the treadmill... or those last 8 counts of dumbell... or the last 5 counts of ab crunches... I feel an ablution, cleansing me a lil... beneath all the many lies that i tell to myself everday... all the lies i "do" to myself everyday...