Saturday, December 25, 2010

The terminal

F*%ed up Spicejet has done a "the terminal" on me!

Boarded a train last night.. reached here early 7(screwed up railway had to drop me on time!). Had a flight in the evening 5.

One message: your flight has been delayed by 3 hours and "we deeply regret the inconvenience!"
and my pain is prolonged by another 3 hours... :(

its been 3 hours and i still have 9 more hours to go... i have luggage.. & i have wait :(


positives... i have laptop, FB, Internet, Java Headfirst and money for food and food for thought (what the fudge happened that am so screwed?)

i know this is not the first time am stuck and there are times ahead where i might be in worse situations... So just trying to remain positive. Eat, FB, wait and watch latest episodes of HIMYM and BIG BANG and CALIFORNICATION :)

hoping the ordeal comes to an end sooooonnnn.. amen!

1 comment:

Medhavin said...

Loved this part.. "screwed up railway had to drop me on time!" ;)

I mean.. Look what the world has come to!!