i disagree.
love is not sweet, it is not meant to be sweet. it can never be sweet. people who say such things have never felt love... even if they did, it was surely not the way i experienced it.
love is extreme. love is intense. and it burns hot or freezes cold.
ive felt love more than once. ive felt love when i hear a song repeatedly for hours. and ive felt love when i sit down for hours sit down in front of the computer looking up things, doing things. and its love when sometimes i smoke in solitude for my own satisfaction and my own freedom. and was it not love when i stood in the balcony when it was freezing, looking ahead in darkness contemplating... what next?
and its love when there is just commitment to do somethin and an effort to work hard for it.
And how can it not be sheer love when i try to define it and i cannot...
why is it not meant to be sweet? and why can it never be sweet?
cause ive never felt it that way... and its hard to understand how it can be that way... sweet.
love is a burning. an experience whose zenith is reached only by total sublimation of oneself in to the loved...
its totally my own personal opinion...
okay so i dont exactly agree with your views. but i dont disagree either. i mean, to an extent, yes, thats all true. very true.
i'll probably skip writing things here, since i know my writing skills are just going to convert this whole comment into a big mess..
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