I guess its been a while since that happened and the time is right to put this on blog...
Surely this one made me realize that sometimes life is far crazy than they can ever depict in soaps and movies...
so here it goes...
Circa, 2nd year at college. Then, i was this guy who had never dated a girl.. the mysteries of the fairer gender were all elusive (its the same case today as well).
So the incident goes.. There is this old school friend that i had met in delhi after long. ( She all bubbly and vivacious gal and me the not so bubbly and not so vivacious guy). We had bumped in quite a few times earlier as well. Here and there, nothin much to write home about. And then one day outta blues she rings me, askin if am free for movie as she has a day off at her place... i agreed. (Cum on! bandi asking out... itna to banta hai! :P)
And at the same time we have our annual college fest goin on.
Our main sponsers : NAACO (n - national a- aids a-pta ni c- control o- organization i guess).
And what these guys (our sponsors) had done was, to promote awareness and some other reason ( :P) placed this small box of condoms at the college canteen. In broad daylight the place where that condom carton was kept is completely deserted. Not a soul. But boyz will be boyz. By the evening when i was back at hostel seems every other guy had grabbed at least a few condoms, for god knows what reasons ( i can assure you that 99% of the guys had no prospects- me included). Voila! my roomie gifts me one as well. lol. All happy that i din miss out I PUT THAT GOD FORSAKEN CONDOM THING IN POCKET AND JUST FORGET.
The next thing that i remember is that we are rushing in for the movie. Got the tickets and proceed for the security check...
Security guard: "Sir! pocket mein kya hai? sir chocolates chewing gum allowed nahi hai!"
Me : "arre kuch nahi hai bhaiya! aise hi kuch wrapper hoga..."
Security guard: "Nahi sir! Nikaliye to sahi! dekhna padega"
AWW! now that was embarrassing!
I still remember the silly smile that security guard gave me ( stopping short of the advice on abstinence)... and the other movie goers! GAWD!!!!
I ran to catch up with my movie mate.
Meanwhile i donno if "she" had seen actually what had transpired... i still donno but she had this look of surprise on her face. God knows what she thought of me. (Jerk! what does he think of himself?... i surely made a big fool of myself and vowed NEVER TO ROAM WITH A CONDOM IN THE POCKET.... lol)
The movie was a bore btw.. the chaat that we had after the moie was great!...
PS. And hey condom is good! abstinence is better. Adios!