I do. And I accept it as is. I can see it while I do it. And ignore it while I reflect upon the same. And may be that’s what makes me human. I've indulged in these ever since I can recall. I do it on a day to day basis and I don’t see myself quitting in any foreseeable near future.
I stole an ice-cream today from the canteen along with the ones I paid for. It’s despicable an act, considering the fact that am educated and have means enough to buy one of those every other day . I feel guilty in a strange way today. Not cause I stole an ice-cream. Its cause I stole "only one" ice-cream. Must have cleared the whole store.
I lied when I said I did not have a pen-drive when I had one, when an acquaintance of mine asked me for it.
I cheat myself on a daily basis when I say I will be a better man. No stealing- no lying-no cheating. That’s not me. I thrive on it.
Am I bad enough. No I don’t see it. I see people equally corrupt if not more. Cheating... stealing and lying...
Discussing on the same table social issues plaguing the most destitute of our country, where millions live in penury and without food we spend our "100 buck - baldies" eating useless junk. Vituperating against the same system we are part of without doing anything to correct it, we have lost all morality to say anything. Each one of us indulges in it.
But that’s how it is. That’s how things work. Am just being odd enough to be shamelessly open while doing it and admitting. Am just idiot enough to do it to please people. Am just myopic enough in stealing "one", while I could have devised some way to clear the whole everything. I was not selfish enough today. That’s where my fault lies. Improvement . Am crude in my practice. I must be polished enough not get noticed. I must be remorseless enough not to feel the guilt. And fake enough to castigate any and everybody under the sun who cheats, steals or lies.
I cheat. I steal and I lie. And I WILL LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT.
1 comment:
oh...u r alive..lol..posted somethin after a very long time..
anyways..nice post..so u did chori 2day...woww.."chor" :)
i don remember if i ever did ..bt yeah..i do lie..many a times..esp wid d coll janta..
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