ok! if you dont wanna read it.. doesn matter... you don have any reasons to read some stupid cribbing in a stupid reject's blog...
it just keeps ringing in my head... how?
nearly answered every other question in the interview... spoke with confidence... gd round was kinda good... cleared the written...
In fact it was i who was thinking throughout the day that an interview can never so easy and so "clear-able"...
it just keeps ringing in my head... why? how can they reject me?
donno... may be am just jinxed or not at all talented in any sense...
in classes in viva's in practical... why is it just me being singled out???
looking at the list of people... the kind of ppl... who could get through, while i could not... i could only bow my head in shame... shame at my own plight.. my inefficacy...
am just plain useless... :'(
am really sad. its the loneliest day of my life... :'(
sad... :(
same story is going everywhere..read so many blogs...all going through the same phase.. :(
Don Worry!! I had been like that for sooooo many days. I have missed the so called best jobs when lot of my ineffecient co people went through. I am not gonna trash some positive attitude thing here. Don worry. You will get a really good job soon and all this will be like poooh... And when it was so easy didnt it occur you that something is wrong?
@ prasanna: that last sentense was the most important thing that anyone ever said to me since yesterday... yep!... how can it be so easy? it wasnt for me! :) thanx!
a suggestion:
step(1):Listen to System of Down's "Lonliest day of my life"
step(2):Listen to Avril's "Innocence"
I bet this would help.
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