its been long time... yet sometimes i reminisce of things i... i longed for and now i don't.... they seem far trivial...
i often wonder bout how relationships work and why *sometimes* they don't. Why sometimes two are attracted and why sometimes one doesn feel the same. Why does one long for company? and why does the heart *burn* sometimes? why people are attracted towards falling in love and yet not notice how complicated it is.. and and how and why does loneliness suck a lot of times?
Is it all just a metamorphosis of all thats physical...carnal...hormonal?
What is love? and why does heart *burn*?
i luv my loneliness. it aint bad i can tell you... i luv sitting in my room.. disconnected.. Games novels.. movies.. net... a quiet dinner.. and yet heart *burns*!
i luv company. its certainly better in many ways. sharing dinner... snacks... talks... tasks... Still heart *burns*...
what is it that i long for?
Is it something thats achievable through love.. but is something beyond love..
Am i talking sense or its just nonsense?
Why does heart *burn*?
P.S. sometimes its just questions. no answers.
P.P.S i guess am having a lot of trans fats in my diet... could be a cause of heart burns :P
I have the same kind of questions.
exactly...somethin similar...but i love to be alone..no interference... anyways..havesome coffee.. :)
waise hav u ever heard of this song "dil jalta hai toh jalne de, aansu na baha fariyaad na kar"
lol..jus google it... :D
that is how love is... it is the most ambivalent of feelings... U are never satiated.. U long for company when u don't have any and u tire of it when there's too much of it... And that is how it is with most things of the world... And therefore go the Buddha way "the Middle Path"... The heart will burn when in and out of love... But its definitely an experience worth the *burn* :D...
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