(CL mam ne kaha thaa likho, so... here it goes.... )
Belief is not gods or daemons. Belief is not a cat or a cow. Belief is not a witch doctor or a voodoo.
Its not so myopic in its scope and trivial in its vision.
I feel strongly against any claim that superstitions are an extension to beliefs. No!
Belief is life. I live cause I believe in a way of life, my ideals, my principles and my podium to stand a moral high -ground.
Beliefs are oft quoted as ones religious affiliation, but are they so limited in their meaning?
What would you call your principles then? Is it not your belief?
What would you define the reason of you working for your goal in life? Is it not your belief in your goal that compels you to work so hard for it?
Look around you…
Why does a soldier fight for his country and risk his life? Its his belief in his duty, his obligation to protect the motherland!
You! Don’t you help when your friend and your loved ones through thick and thin? Is it your superstition that he might do you good at some later point ?
No! you love them and you believe in your love.
You trust god and do follow his shown path of good and just. What is it? Its belief!
On the contrary, what are superstitions?
Don’t you know what they are within the heart of your hearts? In fact we ourselves have coined and defined the term as an irrational awe of unknown. Yes! We are afraid of the unknown, we observe them. But we don’t define our existence around them. You don’t go about doing your everyday work, thinking about a cow or a cat all day. Superstitions are nothing but our means to respond to our call of curiosity, our way out of fears. Not a path to ones destiny.
Before I conclude my stand, I would highlight to the thought which might be running amok in your mind, that we don’t live in such a utopian world where people essentially have a philosophy and live with a goal…
No, we do live in such a world.
The very fact that world exists proves it. And it does cause people believe it. You believe it!, You do!
that so made sense man... great work... My stand changes...:)
i was drawing parallels with fate and self made futures...so is destiny and fate a way to protect ourselves from the inevitable future we don't want to change?
destiny... as i define it is a future that am dutybound to make for myself... its my goal and my ambition.
Fate is the unknown x in the whole equation that leads me to my destiny. Its good to take in account this x but blaming things on it is not the way.
u say superstition is not an extension of belief than what is it????
and how can u compare superstition with helping loved one's in need ????
simply no connection that i can establish..........
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