Before you read this, there is something more important to be shared. Its bout the purpose.
Some people live without knowing their purpose, some have it and of course many don’t want it. I don’t know but can someone be happy without knowing their purpose. Purpose is a path to redemption.
Of course ignorance is bliss and before I read fountainhead I was way much better off. Living life as is.
Even now am not sure of my purpose. But I have some idea as to what I want in my life and I feel there is hope for me. I seek it. One way or the other I will know it. I will do my job. and depart from this life , my head held high.
It was an experience. Those three weeks. Prior to Fountainhead I had read some 30-35 novels… mostly (nearly all) pulp… Puzos, Sheldons, Dan Browns, Narayans, Agatha christie… sort o stuff. Most were a max of 4 day/night reads. I had picked Fountainhead knowing nothing about what it is or talks bout. Just another fat novel… had seen it in Bhalu's room… Bhaiya had spoken bout it a few times as well.
But once I began, the sheer volume of verbiage overwhelmed me. It wont end, no matter what. In the beginning I used to read like… 2-3 hours a night at my snail pace (at max 150-160words per minute)… and could cover barely 30-35 pages a night. I nearly lost cool after a week. I left the story mid way.
A few days hence. I was just curious what the end would be, so I read last few pages. Kept wondering as to what might have happened to the story from where I had left it. I just picked it up the other night. I still remember I read like 5 and half hours at stretch that night. And then on I guess I never looked back. Even with my pathetic speed back then I was regularly reading like 3 hours every day late in the nights (mostly from 1am - 4am)… 3 continuous days and the effect was showing… and I was completely a wreck in the college hours. The novel was kinda giving me a high. I started to bunk classes. The futility of the whole system and a realization of my own purposelessness in the whole setup was eating me within.
I remember that I missed classes for 4 continuous college days in a week. Nearly all classes. Nearly screwed my semester after that.
Fountainhead is more of an experience than a mere story. I delved in the novel for a period of 3 weeks and it certainly changed the way I see things. Am not going to describe what it aims to convay. If you haven't read the novel with your own will, you will never understand it any case. All I can tell you is, that it tells you about the importance of your purpose here.
It breaks all accepted notions about things like selfishness, beauty and love, And tells you about yourself.
i don't want to read the book... but this review might just make me pick it up... :(
its a fat fat book..i picked it up once..read abt 50 pages n kept it.
But your post has inspired me to pick it up again!
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