The place called DCE.
After a busy AND frustrating day at college...
(slept at 2:30am in the morning after watching "the pianist". Woke up at 10:40am thereby missing the tutorials of 9am and 10am. Then was thrown out of the class for coming 10 minutes late for the lecture starting at 11. 1pm was a break with frnds… nigam, ap , swayam. followed by reckless and utterly boring lab file work ( writing + cutting and pasting pics) for the next 2 hours ( with atulya - kiki- kartik and Kani for a comforting company in the last bench of the class). Then going to lab at 3 only to find that your file was rejected for inspection cause you had missed to paste a single pic.)
At 4. Mech canteen, ordering a dosa after a samosa which was preceded by a chole bhature which in turn were preceded by dairy milk chocolates… ed infinitum… and having a real good time.
Pulling legs, creating ultimately vela pj's., teasing…. A debate. Some plans. Many dreams.
5:00 : moving towards hostel. A cool gushing winter wind. A smoke trail left by an airplane across the sky (republic day celebration practice). A setting sun. The cool breeze in to hostel room balcony.
Circa 7:30pm. A trip to sector 17 market to get the phone charger with a dear friend. Few Gol-gappa's and lots of chit chat.
8:30. the boring mess food. A pepsi. Watching "superman returns" and simultaneously replying msg's.
Will have to be at arjun's room by 12 to catch up with the essay writing and LAN gaming.
But the moments that mark the highpoints leave you in total awe. The lows don’t really matter after you’ve had a taste of the high's. (may be that’s a same case when it comes to drinking and that’s why people get drunk)
Life is not total masti 24*7. but that’s how it should be. A plenary fun-life would make the same monotonous.
This is DCE…. An average DCE. An extraordinary DCE.
so sorry for your file.. told you "dhang se file banao" but nahi... does it matter now??
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