Saturday, December 25, 2010

The terminal

F*%ed up Spicejet has done a "the terminal" on me!

Boarded a train last night.. reached here early 7(screwed up railway had to drop me on time!). Had a flight in the evening 5.

One message: your flight has been delayed by 3 hours and "we deeply regret the inconvenience!"
and my pain is prolonged by another 3 hours... :(

its been 3 hours and i still have 9 more hours to go... i have luggage.. & i have wait :(


positives... i have laptop, FB, Internet, Java Headfirst and money for food and food for thought (what the fudge happened that am so screwed?)

i know this is not the first time am stuck and there are times ahead where i might be in worse situations... So just trying to remain positive. Eat, FB, wait and watch latest episodes of HIMYM and BIG BANG and CALIFORNICATION :)

hoping the ordeal comes to an end sooooonnnn.. amen!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New found love

Amongst all other things what i cherish the most, amongst what Bangalore has bought into my life is GYMing.

Ive always aspired... to be be an idealist. I know ive failed miserably on all counts... and i am not a step headed even in the direction where i want myself to be in, as an idealist (following a set of beliefs that one prescribes to, at-least he thinks he aspires to follow )... and i hate myself for not being even a beginner there.... Yet somewhere down in the heart of my hearts i love ideals... the very spirit of following an ideal, a principle... a belief and the idea to uphold it in one's life, come what may...

So coming back to GYMing, i think this is where ive taken the very baby step towards even starting towards following an ideal. I had never attempted GYMing in my life. Always day dreamed about it once in a while, but never gathered enough courage to actually step into one. And now 15 days since i first stepped in to one, GYM turns out to be a place, something i never imagined.

The bedrock of the very foundation of GYMing is the idea of being true to oneself.

There the only person one is competing with is himself. The very benchmark one wishes to cross is his own, challenging once own limit. Ofcourse, one may be inspired by someone else to be able to develop muscles/stamina like him, but then again, to get there the competition is only with one's own limits.

I feel this very feeling... a feeling of purity... when i try to jog that last 500 metres on the treadmill... or those last 8 counts of dumbell... or the last 5 counts of ab crunches... I feel an ablution, cleansing me a lil... beneath all the many lies that i tell to myself everday... all the lies i "do" to myself everyday...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

you ever dressed up?

Have you ever dressed up and waited for someone???

its so coo... i did once :)
i think am gonna remember it for life... like things that you never forget..


antiquity is coo... ( was actually looking fir VAT 69... not lucky this time... just like lewis nixon was... in band of brothers... episode- "why we fight")
talkin bout antiquity... you can actually smell the caskets in which it aged.. smooth... "velvety" if you can call it that...

accentuates the melody of anything you listen... just like any good drink should do...

"electric blue eyes" - cranberries


missing college for the first time.. since a long time.... since i left college...


missing a lot of things...
i miss the coterie of my group... i miss classes (which i missed anyways :P)... i miss stupid profs and lecturers and their super stupid lectures... i miss missing lectures... i miss sitting at OAT... i miss being with friends... i miss dodo... i miss campus... i miss that shitty-crappy weather of Delhi... i miss the walk from hostel to college.. i miss the super tasteless mess food... i miss the super spicy "rajma chawal" of punjabi dhaba.. i miss people... i miss acquaintances... i miss people who i never met but knew they belonged to the my year... i miss the class room and the dysfunctional AC's... i miss the ocassional daaru party.. i miss being unemployed even after an year if placements.. i miss my lone hostel room... i miss barua... i miss RM... i miss aastha and her antics... i miss nigam and his company.. i miss amar and his room... i miss anupam dadhi and the way he was.... i miss ap, the way he was in college... i miss rashmi and the bold self she was... i miss silky and the weekend frivolities.... i miss cc and the group tasks of labs which myself aastha ap and ankita did together... i miss plying LAn games... i miss bhalu and his most most most amazing company.... i miss bhaskar and his carefree nature... i miss maneet and his punjabi self... i miss the innocence of first year... i miss avinash and group( chchp, jhatu, mishra)... i miss saksham his games and his most affable nature... i miss night walks in college... i miss end sems.. i miss end sems... i miss cs, RON, halo and the way i played em in college... i miss the way i was... i miss the way people were... i miss the way the life was.. i miss delhi.. i miss maa :'( i miss papa... i miss bhaiya... i miss home cooked food.. i miss the way maa scolded me... i miss the washed and ironed clothes without any effort.... i miss the life without any responsibilities...
i miss myself amongst those people in that place in those ways in those times...

i feel alone and lost in new city amongst people i dont know... i cant trust... i donno whom to talk to and how to behave with people i dont know... i dont know what where and how...

I I I....

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Namma Bengaluru

So here i come Bengaluru... here i come in a couple of days...Hope you acknowledge and accept me with open arms...

Ive lived in south India for the most part of my childhood, and my memories are all awash with the sights ,smells and flavors of Andhra. Bengaluru, though different would be somewhat similar as i expect. New place, new people... am scared. Yet the presence of college friends would certainly be a lot of help.

I just hope transition is smooth...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


"To the heart and mind, ignorance is kind
there's no comfort in the truth
pain is all you'll find..."

Friday, July 2, 2010

Rajnikant facts

(here's something i found online)

Top Rajnikant Facts Published

* There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Rajnikant has allowed to live.

* Outer space exists because it’s afraid to be on the same planet with Rajnikant.

* Rajnikant counted to infinity - twice.

* When Rajnikant does a pushup, he isn’t lifting himself up, he’s pushing the Earth down. (God help me.. i cant take this anymore)

* Rajnikant is so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.

* Rajnikant doesn’t wear a watch, HE decides what time it is. (LOL)

* Rajnikant gave Mona Lisa that smile.

* Rajnikant can slam a revolving door.

* There are no races, only countries of people Rajnikant has beaten to different shades of black and blue.

* Rajnikant’s house has no doors, only walls that he walks through.

* Rajnikant can divide by zero.

* Newton’s Third Law is wrong: Although it states that for each action, there is an equal and opposite reaction,

there is no force equal in reaction to a Rajnikant turnaround kick.

* When taking the GRE, write “Rajnikant” for every answer. You will score over 1600.

* Rajnikant has 12 moons. One of those moons is the Earth.

* Rajnikant grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage.

* Archeologists unearthed an old English dictionary dating back to the year 1236. It defined “victim” as “one who has encountered Rajnikant”

* If you Google search “Rajnikant getting kicked” you will generate zero results. It just doesn’t happen.

* Rajnikant can drink an entire gallon of milk in thirty-seven seconds.

* Rajnikant doesn’t bowl strikes, he just knocks down one pin and the other nine faint.

* It takes Rajnikant 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.

* The Bermuda Triangle used to be the Bermuda Square, until Rajnikant kicked one of the corners off.

* There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Rajnikant lives in Chennai.

* Rajnikant once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink.

* James Cameron wanted Rajnikant to play the Terminator. However, upon reflection, he realized that would have turned his movie into a documentary, so he went with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

· Thousands of years ago Rajnikant came across a bear. It was so terrified that it fled north into the arctic. It was also so terrified that all of its decedents now have white hair.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

purpose of life

What if the purpose of life?
Before more is discussed, i think what needs to be pointed out is that the question
is not actually one. But is a set of three. Each connected and answered by the other
1) Where are we?
2) What are we?
3) Why are we?

The purpose of life is only a manifestation of the above three eternal-immortal queries. And the question can only be answered if only one could ever understand the answer of the three queries.

It’s a question that has been asked and answered and asked again, then answered again many times in history of our consciousness. Religions came to existence and exited. Philosophers pondered and proposed theories. Scientists have come to prominence in our age and they too have their reasons. Yet whatever be the time, for ages it has been the very hallmark of our consciousness. The ability to ask the very question.. Why? What is the purpose of this life?

What is the purpose? For each-his own, the question persists in the mind of each living human and he seeks to find the purpose of life, his life, in his works, his religion, and his philosophy and above all in his life.

Religions define the purpose of life essentially as worshipping the lord almighty and on the sidelines often suggest doing well to others as the purpose of life. They define the purpose of life to be thankful to the lord almighty for his very creation, i.e. us and this world around us. From Hinduism to Christianity to Jainism to whichever religion one may name, all of them nearly follow a similar path to redemption and meaning of the question.

Philosophers throughout ages have thought and pondered and have come up with philosophies ranging from absurdity at best (there is actually a philosophy called absurdism) to very intriguing and answering ones such as theories of existentialism , humanism and epistemology. These theories in their essence have been results of hard thinking by our greatest thinkers. And it isn’t hard to find many answers in them. Yet the biggest of the shortcoming of these theories is the fact that they still cannot answer the three eternal questions of What? Why? and Where?, All together simultaneously and satisfactorily.

This is the age of science. In the last 200 years which we have changed so much ( i wonder if we can call it a progress). And fields of science have developed at a rate unprecedented, Be it astronomy to biology or physics. All the branches of these developments in the core of their curiosity only seek to answer the very queries of what? Why? and where? And for the moment there has been no answer.

I think we don’t know for sure. No one can claim that he alone is correct and the other view
is incorrect.

If one understands and appreciates the view that us Humans are imperfect creatures. And Have our own biases and views, one can clearly understand that each one of us looks at our lives with a different point of view. To some life is merely living and to some it is seeking something through life something which is beyond life.

To sum it up, I think the answer is stares right in our face. To each-his own, life has its ownpurpose its own meaning. We humans and other life forms are life. We live, procreate and die. Us gifted humans unlike other life forms also have aspirations and our curiosity. And to seek out to those purposes and aspirations and curiosity is the purpose of our lives in spirit.

Thus although we may not be able to answer the question of where’s and whys and what’s of our lives, yet fulfilling our curiosity and aspirations and our feelings in essence remains something that we all aspire for. Thus it is our purpose. Life is living.

The question which was thus answered remains unanswered...

Thursday, June 10, 2010


College has come to an end. From last year to last month, from last month to last week, from last week to last day... The ending of the end has ended.

Gosh! sometimes it feels its all over. Everything. If not everything then, at least everything that i called college. But most of the times i don't even want to think on those lines. Endings and partings and sadness and happiness or whatever. Mind has its mysterious ways, now i know.

And more than often i think how this could be the new beginning. A new life. A life where i have the freedom and opportunities. Opportunities to explore things and do things the ways i wanted and in the ways i dared not. New friends and new people. New things to learn and new things to do. Sometimes this feeling of being in the newness of things is so overwhelming i often have this feeling to leave everything and everyone so so back (with only one exception)....

The journey to "Tinsukia", Assam ... The long journey. The loneliness and sometimes abominable often amenable lull... All coming back to life.

With placement in a mediocre company, something the least DCE has on offer, theres often a heaviness at heart. Feels bad a lot of times. I dunno what to name this feeling. Jealousy or anger or injustice, i don't know. Yet a lot of times, it does seem that it has happened for something good. For something good to follow. At least i can, many a times feel that lightness of being the beginner, an underachiever again. Afraid a little. But with a curiosity to try out things. And not much worries of loosing out on anything.

College was immortality... Seems am back... Living. :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010

5 lounge/trance/peaceful tracks one *MUST* listen to...

(artist) -- (track) -- (album)

1. Mark Isham -- Tibet part II -- Yoga Zone

2. Mark Isham -- The host of Seraphim -- Dead Can Dance

3. Karsh Kale -- Longing -- Realize

4. Deep Forest -- Night Bird -- Deep Forest

5. Thievery Corporation - Satyam Shivam Sundaram -- AOL music DJ sessions

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

College Ends... Part 1

Barely 10 working days are left.. It has all come to end... finally...


Quoting the chef (south park) , "There's a time and place for everything. And its called college"
That time has ended it seems...

Come may end, and on may 28th would be the last exam. And after giving that exam... The relief of the exams ending would fill the air outside mech canteen with cheers and shouts of "Exams khatam ho gaye".... but this time only with the hollow of the college ending...

Hated as much... i have loved college.

joined college as a nobody. leaving like a nobody. i can still feel a romance in this tragedy.


first year seems just like yesterday...
i dunno what to write next. theres too much to write. theres too much to say... and words dont seem enough to express it all...

as i smoke this cigarette i can only see clear... how i smoked my first... Myself, Bhaskar going out and buying out that "forbidden"... a last resort to stay awake and sail through our first end sems... I can still remember it remained in that drawer for like 2-3 days before we could gather enough courage to light it up.

And how can i forget the night of the second sem. The PEE exam night. The two books. Was awake till 4 am for the first time. And even by morning was hardly anywhere close to being familiar with the syllabus. Was so screwed... kept mumbling "aaj to Fuck ho gya!".. lol... it earned me a name... "Fucku"...

My very first friends... Ap, kiki, kani, Tushar, Bhaskar, Vishal- my dormant roomie, Anshuman, Avinash... the world was small then... frnds were more frnds.. there was less of that cunningness. The guard against "betrayal" didnt exist... The need to think before speak wasnt there. That school innocence was not lost. But the gleam of that innocence wasn't as bright.

And there are parts i hate to remember. The first hostel night. Many things.... Yet the indelible mark and mould that they have given me remains... All the shenanigans of being there and enjoying it and and... it all falling apart.. The initial joy and the pathos that it brought.

And yet i can only look back and say that the period was so so much fun. Every other day was something new. A movie, a bunk or just sitting there at mech... the endless talks. Initially the big D group and then us four frnds... exploring, discovering ..... LIVING....

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Elizabeth The golden age

Actors: Cate Blanchett and Clive owen
Direction: Shekhar Kapur

I haven't well seen the first one of the "series", Elizabeth; so i cant really compare this 2007 release to that earlier 1998 one. But there was certainly that something missing in this flick which could have made this otherwise fine movie, a great movie.

The performance of Cate Blanchett certainly deserves an applaud. But other than that, theres hardly anything to watch out in this movie. All the complexities of a medieval British royalty seem far to uninteresting and trivial. The romantic liaison of the Queen with this pirate guy Riley (Clive Owen)... i dunno... was pretty much indigestible. I wonder if anything of that sort ever happened ( Add to that, my anger at any wrong depiction of history... but well thats just my speculation).

The direction, screenplay and art et all are pretty much cool and nothing seems half hearted. Shekhar Kapur also needs a priority in mention over such fine handling of subject matter.

Verdict: Watch this movie if you love period films. Its a fine movie no doubt. Just dint click with my likings.

Score: 6.6/10

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Boondock saints

(Release: 1999
Actors: Willem Dafoe, Sean flanneey & Norman reedus)

This is one exhilerating watch. And i loved it!

Its funny. Its thrilling. Its messy. And gawd! this movie manges to be arty too, at times!

The movies is a tale of two "spiritual" irish guys set out to erase evil from the planet with their mafia friend. And while they execute all evil reading bible its just so cool. Thrown in the middle is a bit of drama. A lot of action.
A lot of fun. It has got mafia in it. It has got the FBI in it. A clever detective and the mean evil in it. In fact this is one of the rare few movies that have made the killings and the massacres look artistic and funny at the same time.
Its a wild shooting party throughout. The biggest positive for this movie is the element of thrill that it manages to maintain thorughout.

The characters have been clearly defined with the story. The irish brothers (Norman Reedus and Sean flanery) are just so cute and cool.
Willem Dafoe is at his acting best. (After antichrist, this one! man! am one fan of Dafoe like never before. !)

The verdict is as clear as a bottle of vodka: If you are looking for one action movie, which is light, funny and low on a lot of drama and other sorts of morass, this is the one for you!
My rating 7.5/10

Thursday, March 18, 2010

all that i am... all that i ever was...

I dunno where i would be without music.

As i write this... i can just feel the reverberation... the chords and the strokes of instruments the tone of the singer... it moves... makes me smile... cry.. laugh... and i feel emotions... pride... joy... envy.... hope... hate... love... each on of those emotions!

I can imagine things.... situations... scenes and sceneries... even people in them playing their parts.

I dunno where i would be without music. Sometimes i wonder if this is why art is metaphysical....

Friday, February 12, 2010

Passing thoughts..

Beneath all glimpses of joy, happiness and love.... Ive discovered that life essentially is sad, mean and cruel.

Yet in spite of it ,... all of it.... i find myself increasingly in love with it.

Ive accepted it and am in love with life.

Its a life long romance.

And the sad part is that i will die one day loving it.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

कभी कभी (Sahir Ludhiyanvi)

कभी कभी मेरे दिल मैं ख्याल आता हैं
कि ज़िंदगी तेरी जुल्फों कि नर्म छांव मैं गुजरने पाती
तो शादाब हो भी सकती थी।

यह रंज-ओ-ग़म कि सियाही जो दिल पे छाई हैं
तेरी नज़र कि शुओं मैं खो भी सकती थी।

मगर यह हो न सका और अब ये आलम हैं
कि तू नहीं, तेरा ग़म तेरी जुस्तजू भी नहीं।

गुज़र रही हैं कुछ इस तरह ज़िंदगी जैसे,
इससे किसी के सहारे कि आरझु भी नहीं.

न कोई राह, न मंजिल, न रौशनी का सुराग
भटक रहीं है अंधेरों मैं ज़िंदगी मेरी.

इन्ही अंधेरों मैं रह जाऊँगा कभी खो कर
मैं जानता हूँ मेरी हम-नफस, मगर यूंही

कभी कभी मेरे दिल मैं ख्याल आता है.

P.S. A poem that has always been a faithful compatriot in pain pleasure and life.

Life, Love and Pain

Whats life without love and pain?
Who has lived without love and pain?
Who shall ever succeed without love and pain?

How can one think of accomplishing something... anything without loving it. And if one falls in love, he shall take all pains... for pain becomes easy... yet it remains pain... and that pain shall again lead to a sense of accomplishment and in turn more love....

Everyone has his share of love and pain. They run to find true love. They take pains to find love. They love. And then there is pain. Nothing is permanent. Neither love nor pain. And each leads to other.

Nothing is permanent.
The idea of permanence has and will always be the source of greatest miseries. The idea that love will last. Forever. The thought that a particular misery shall remain forever. Forever. Nothing lasts.

I wonder if love and pain are different at all.

Is pain beautiful?
I dont know. The more ive felt. The more ive known. The more ive accommodated it. In ways and in things... it seems harmless. Its like a needle in heart and and it just stays... like a needle... there... and it hurts only when one tries to find a way to move it... remove it.. to explore it. And pain then leads to anger and anger to destruction. But the more one accommodates pain, the more once accepts it... it always gets all the more easier. All the more bearable. All the more guiding. All the more inspiring.
Poets, artists... there have been many.

In fact, in ways, i think all ive ever written, ever created, is a shenanigan of pain.

I pined for love and all i got was pain. This pain changed things. Pain lead me to love again. Things. Ways. And then love will again lead me to pain... and i will love again for some more pain... and so shall i trapped in this cycle... forever? (is this cycle permanent?)


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Destiny versus free will

Does god play dice?
-An immortal query by the greatest physicist history ever saw... Einstein.
Before i extrapolate more on the same lets ponder over something we all go through.

I wake up every day. Go about doing my job. Some days turn out great... things keep falling in to place. Some days aren’t that good. Things don’t go as I wanted them to go. Now do i attribute them to destiny or the choices i make? Or in very general terms, is my life predefined? Is there a destiny which governs the way we do things... or the way we are to do things?

Many would agree and many would disagree. I personally in principle attribute all my successes as well as failures on nothing by my own choices, my free will. I believe this because on any fine day I can sit down and prudently think over my past choices and can find that my present situation can be attributed to those past decisions. On the contrary my god-fearing parents, even though they go about doing there karma, believe that even beyond karma there lies a power controlling us all. They believe in destiny. Who is correct?

To answer that lets consider a few questions.
Why is a person born rich and another poor?
Why is someone more talented in some skill than others?
Why some people go on to achieve glory while many people with may be higher skill set don’t?
Why this earth? And
Why does life exist? (Considering the fact that our life governed by the tiniest of atoms, and even a minute change in their proportion in any element can change the whole universe...)

The answer is: There are no conclusive answers. People justify them according to one line of thought or the other. Mind you, they only justify. No one has ever proved what it is.

So terming everything the way it happens as free will, is myopic. It’s just another justification; you cannot prove it in all situations. On the other hand when destiny is concerned; well you can’t prove it either. But it leaves pretty much a lot of room as to what can happen. Destiny can be made from our choices, the same way as destiny is usually presumed to be governing our choices. And this friend is the most overlooked fact.
What I mean to convey is, that there is a middle ground to it.

Life is a sum of choices we make and other variables influence it as well. These variables work beyond our control and form what we can call luck and chance.
For example, Say Tomorrow I leave for an exam and have forgot to take my admit card. And just then a friend was talking about admit card reminded me of the same. And that saved me lots of inconvenience.
Now closely examine. The fact that before the exam, I had not put that admit card in my bag due to my laziness or carelessness was my choice. But that friend and his appearance was an external factor that saved me.

This is what happens every time. Now some people totally attribute that laziness, that choice not to put the admit card in to bag as their choice and coming of the friend as totally normal.....
<----To be continued--->

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Come so far

Life is a roller coaster.

I started in small obscure towns... bilaspur... bhatgaon... ramgundam... then it got bigger (wonder if it was for the better)... Hyderabad.. Kolkata... Delhi...
Lots of places... People.. Friends... Love... Infatuations.. insinuations.. dunno what...
But its been not that hard.

Long back my Grand Pa had a similar story to tell. Although much hard. I remember my dad telling me of the childhood grand pa had. A boy of a small farmer with an average holding, they did not even have toilet at home in the small, far flung village in Bihar. He lost his father at an age when i could not even buy groceries, may be at 7-8. His class room was below a banyan tree in village with the archetypal hindi movie master-ji with a "chadi" teaching them mathematics. He toiled in kerosene lamps/oil lanterns... in fields with whatever resources his mother could obtain from the small holding and farm. Being the elder brother he was also responsible for his younger sibling. He worked hard and he made it. The boy made his mother his brother and his village proud. He qualified for the biggest a village boy could think those days, The Birla institute of technology, Mesra (Ranchi). The struggle did not end there, he further worked hard. Qualified other entrances and made it to the best of jobs, a Railway engineer. He worked his way through hardwork, even worked with Alstom(1960's). Europe...Paris, France.. it all happened to him. He truly is a hero,for all i know about him.

My father was also a much self made man. Became an engineer. A successful one i should say. A government engineer, he followed his fathers footsteps.

My brother had his share too. After years preparing for medical entrances after class 12th.. he could barely qualify for any of the medical entrances. A disappointed one, he left for far down in Chennai in some obscure university to study something (B.E, biotech) he never really thought he would. And struggled enough for four good years to score a mind boggling 88% in college exams. Qualified for a Stanford-Ntu scholarship... left abroad.

And that leaves me. I dunno. I wonder of i was ever cut to become an engineer and to ever succeed in it. Ive struggled throughout as an engineering student. Barely passed and dragged with the course. MBA could not excite me and placements at college only showed me where i stood. I dunno what life has in store for me... I wonder if i would ever figure out what i want let alone achieving it...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

get a lil crazy

I have this thing do things over and over again... Not like some maniac psycho disease to repeat again and again.... But just to keep getting screwed. I just *refuse* to learn. :(

Its something like a small child who touches a hot rod and then gets to know that its hot and never touches again.... well my case is that i keep trying to pick that F8cked up rod again and again, how so burnt my hand get in the process.

Last 3 and half years of college and i know how trapped i am in situations of my own devise. Teachers pick on me. I enter a store and things keep falling. Lab equipments break the moment i touch em. Computers output random messages when i type...
There was once i typed something random (ok! it was some slang!)... just fiddling with the FTP and computer prompted
"child died" .... WTF?
And the other time when i repeated the same it even warned and i guess i shut down after displaying...
"You have violated some.... *blah*... this incident will be recorded and reported to administrator"
WTF again???
And then there was this condom incident that i wrote about in the blog a while back.

Such things... big and small... keep happening and like it never ends. And sometimes it get to sickening and like... very bad...

And then there are things that can certainly be avoided like.. things which SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED.... like the one.... * i cant talk about that incident *... but just for the glimpse i spent a lot on something... it was worthless... my 3 months of savings... gone!... and 6 months down the line i guess i have done it again...
I just loose reason. and i do things without thinking. I can still recall that i could have just waited for a minute and thought bout it and... and could have saved myself. But looser that i am i did it again.
Screw me!!! :X


Yeah am frustrated.. AAAARRRGHHHHHHHH!!!! :X :( :X :( :X :(

Friday, January 15, 2010

10 things to do tmrw

1. Study
2. Study





433. Study

P.S. F*ck! i know i still wont study! :(

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy days and Halo nights :D

Sometimes life is just too good to digest. (yeah i had some problems the next morning (:P))


The day was 10/1/10 and the occasion was AP's treat. Twas headed for a big cancellation like many other times.

Snil - Germany
Rash - NO
Sid - Hadoop
Nig - Desky shopping
Swat - Family planning (oops! :P i mean family ke saath plan)

So there i stood at the Karol Bagh metro station in that absolutely frigid January winter fog wondering which side to move?
6 stations left for Rajori or 15 stations right to hostel. (what was i doing at Karol bagh? amm... could be nything... may be nothing). Some consultations with Asta and finally i sensed there could be a treat here. Treat hungry that i am, I moved to Rajori only to discover it was just the troika of the three of us, as expected. AP, Asta and Me with some really cool money to spare. Without much bickering as is the usual case when the congregation is "big", we decided for Khaja Chowk.
What followed was a sumptuous round of food and beverages (:D ) and full circle of gossip and lame jokes. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Masala Shikanji was the only thing that looked odd the bill (:P). Who says life in 8th sem is that bad?
(although i guess the bill did set back AP with a lot of the moolah :P)


Back to hostel i knew a war was in the offing. Halo wars (HALO rocks! :D). With a never before gathering of 6 gamers and not much glitches (usually the shortages of mouse or a plug or seating) it was just pure "Gaming Bliss". 2 Rooms- 3 ppl each and rounds of slayer, odd ball, Hill and Juggernaut.. kills, double kills And Killing spree reverberating the room.. its an experience out of the world!
Delta, ChChP, Kanno, sakiBOY and Spitfire. 5 hours. 10PM to 3 AM. Non stop gaming Plus a mini snacks break. Hats off! that was a nite to remember. :D

Lifes bit painful at times. But hey! some days are just happy days and Halo nights :D

P.S. Btw the day that followed wasn't that bad either. <:(>

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The critique of pure awesome

(Sometimes i feel am * awesome* and then i criticize)

1) I hate people who don't manage their gastronomical business at home and contribute to the *gas tragedies* commonplace in packed metro coaches.

2)I hate *fit and fine* aunties with scant disregard for any queue who use their *women* status for usurping just anybody from their seats.

3)I hate the tangled wires of my mp3 player earphones. Every time i take em out they are like the biggest mystery.. whoa! who tangled the wires like that?

4)I hate my stupid laptop which takes full 4 minutes to start up.

5)I hate when am forced to bath every other day in this chilly winter.

6)And I absolutely hate it to wake up everyday and just be there… useless… helpless and plain boring...