Whats life without love and pain?
Who has lived without love and pain?
Who shall ever succeed without love and pain?
How can one think of accomplishing something... anything without loving it. And if one falls in love, he shall take all pains... for pain becomes easy... yet it remains pain... and that pain shall again lead to a sense of accomplishment and in turn more love....
Everyone has his share of love and pain. They run to find true love. They take pains to find love. They love. And then there is pain. Nothing is permanent. Neither love nor pain. And each leads to other.
Nothing is permanent.
The idea of permanence has and will always be the source of greatest miseries. The idea that love will last. Forever. The thought that a particular misery shall remain forever. Forever. Nothing lasts.
I wonder if love and pain are different at all.
Is pain beautiful?
I dont know. The more ive felt. The more ive known. The more ive accommodated it. In ways and in things... it seems harmless. Its like a needle in heart and and it just stays... like a needle... there... and it hurts only when one tries to find a way to move it... remove it.. to explore it. And pain then leads to anger and anger to destruction. But the more one accommodates pain, the more once accepts it... it always gets all the more easier. All the more bearable. All the more guiding. All the more inspiring.
Poets, artists... there have been many.
In fact, in ways, i think all ive ever written, ever created, is a shenanigan of pain.
I pined for love and all i got was pain. This pain changed things. Pain lead me to love again. Things. Ways. And then love will again lead me to pain... and i will love again for some more pain... and so shall i trapped in this cycle... forever? (is this cycle permanent?)
love or rather happiness and pain are sides of the same coin... You can't do away from it.. the constancy of change in life can't be done without and nowhere can we come to accept it... for the acceptance of change would free us from pain and that we silly humans living in this social world with feelings, emotions, money, fame and power can never completely remove...
As to love well like the Hindi movies show, it is never easy to be in one or out of it... But I guess my idea of love has changed alot... Unrequited love can never be as painful as having loved and letting that love go away... for with unrequited you never get to know what it would be to love that person, to acquaint yourself to his/her minor traits, you can call the person names when it does not work but when you've loved and been loved back you know what it is to be with that person and it's not that easy to construe things... And there is absolutely no getting away from the truth.. it becomes even more difficult to adjust to change...
All we can do is go with the flow, no amount of worldly wisdom can determine our course of action when the thing happens to us... So be happy and live in the moment.. will deal with the pain or the love when it happens :)
ps: that happens to be my longest comment anywhere.. :)
in a couple of days when all of us are back and the HALO sessions resume, you will have time for neither...only the adrenaline rush \m/\m/
ps-why dont you activate the setting that allows posting comments using Openid??
yes it its a never ending cycle.. but take that away and you have a life that is not more than ordinary.
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