Tuesday, July 15, 2008


What happens when all your love, that care, for things, for "ppl"… you may never have, never get... is going wasted …. Going Nowhere…

It keeps accumulating inside… rots and boils in the angst of ones frustrations… and then flows out sometimes in ways of writings, and screams and silences and in ways that are undistinguishable from my ways of life… the whole thing becomes a part of you. A sore that hurts all the time and the most when you are happy, nay, when you think you are supposed to be happy… and in midst of it all those seemingly happy situations you find yourself lacking... Hollow, something within is completely at loss… unfulfilled, unsatisfied… You seek solitude, loneliness and... and ways to hurt yourself, firstly, mentally and then you do it physically... to belittle the pain that’s already there… pain and more pain… pathos all around...Its bad and life is empty and sorrowful in all the ways….

Time heals they say… it aint workin...

1 comment:

Chronicler said...

whats eating you inside? Believe nobody in life is that important for you to be putting yourself through all of this... Life's beautiful all you need to do is change your perspective and like scribbler advised me once memory loss works well...