Friday, July 11, 2008

52 Hours.

It’s a sojourn that I knew for sure from the start, ill remember for many years to come… 52hours on a train…all alone... Man! it aint that easy as it seems. ( But for sure as I write it, it aint that bad either). Journey started late at 9pm on 8th July. Leaving home all alone and understanding the scope of this journey it wasn’t that hard in the start to cope up, for I wasn’t thinking much about it or may be a constant thought about the journey beforehand had already made me impervious to the fear concerning it.The adventure begins 11:00 pm: I had found my seat(39) and coach number(B3) of Brahmaputra mail at old Delhi railway station (I wonder why they still refer to the station as simply "Delhi", creates a lot of confusion given the number of stations already present in Delhi).The coach was near empty when I had boarded it. Having reached early I got down at station and was strolling about… thinking about buying a lays chips (and that reminds me of all the hell lot of chips I had on my Jaipur trip , for I don like having chips that much)… or may be drinking some coke ... a guilty pang just pinched me as I thought about trying out a cigarette (they say it makes you cope better with fear). Strolling I noticed the reservation chart as it was carelessly pasted on one of the gates

39 - abhishek kumar - M21 - blaw blaw blaw

40 -Laxmi devi- F20 - blaw blaw blaw

41 -Sumitra - F21 - blaw blaw blaw

42 -Sheela -F 21 - blaw blaw blaw

43 - I donno - F43 - blaw blaw blaw

44 - I donno - M46 - blaw blaw blaw

45 - I donno - M29 - blaw blaw blaw

(looks cool I thought, mom dad with three kiddo sis's - just the playful lot I needed on this long journey[;)] )

But once uncle ji and aunty ji took their seats… I realized the kids weren't anywhere in sight!My god! I nearly rose to ask if they were lost… lol… 5 long minutes later, of lately three northeast (Manipuri) gals arrived ,two supposedly with their boyfriends and my chance ended before it started…The initial glances by all my fellow "inmates" and some "b-friends" were so accusing, I felt like lonely lost pariah in midst of nowhere without food and shelter. Chalo! It wasn’t that bad, I thought, at least they weren't the "wholesome troublesome pack" of doting moms n dads with their below 5 year cry babies...

Summary of night 1 : cool comfy… AC set to perfect cooling conditions…. the constantly jerking seat felt like a swing… my side lower seat had a clear view outside… things seemed perfect as far as amenities were concerned.

DAY "!" : My god! Laxmi is heavy… that thin fair petite "Lucy liu belle" , she stepped on my ankle while getting down from her upper berth seat , and I was jolted out of my sleep. What followed was a rush of sorry's, of course even I said sorry… (why the f^^^ did I say sorry???, it was her god-dam mistake!!!... Miserable god-darn gentleman "me")

Getting fresh on train can be a real mess (as it was for me)… but that’s one part am not going to write about (consider that censored - )

What followed throughout the day was a constant chinese-manipuri-english mix chatter… felt like I was starring in one of those run of the mill Chinese kung-fu flicks… of course as a side actor with no dialogues…

(thats it for today... if you managed to read it till now... aur jyada velle ho aur life mein aur koi kaam nahi hai to kal fir blog update check karna...)


Chronicler said...

hehe..luved it.. so wat did u have 4 dinner momos :P... I know co-passengers make a hell lot of a difference to the train journey... nain sukh prapti as we say it :D... So why Assam??
ps: internships keeping we really busy therefore i'm at my Virginia Woolf best :P...

ABHi said...

i did sort of trainin in jaipur for 25 days... we were 8 frnds frm college. and i din felt that i was holidaying there
so i tried this run from civilization thing...

seems it worked. its good, spending time all alone...

ABHi said...

btw which ones of virgia hav u read?? even i like her work...

PS :mmm... fav: this short story i read in her short story collection... DOLL HOUSE..
uve read it???

Chronicler said...

I want to run away from this darn place too but cant... watever it is... I'm more the Indian english literature fan, Virginia woolf thing was just an off hand statement... It should have been I'm at my shobha de or Anita desai best ( although I don't think of her much).. although I'll definetly try to get my hands on one of her works...

Chronicler said...

that was about shobha de.. and not anita desai...I know its absolute profanity to be saying such a thing about Desai...

ABHi said...

yup, even i though so... so preposterous as against desai...
she has a class of her own.
ive read a bit of her... fire on the mountains, fasting feasting, in custody, a devoted son... nearly all of them were exceptional