Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Year
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009
Rejections continued…
Saturday, November 7, 2009
A Friday.
Friday, October 30, 2009
on why i should be in dunn... lol..
I would love to join Dunnhumby for 3 reasons.
I have spent my entire childhood travelling and living in various parts of India, in towns big and small and have a firsthand experience of living in varied socio-economic milieu that enrich India. I have also completed my entire schooling in government schools in various parts of India and it further inculcated in me a sense of appreciation and understanding of different cultures and how diversity adds up to make things beautiful and complete. Now from what i gather from Dunnhumby’s presentation today and its website is that it’s a company primarily driven by a focus towards customers, and in other words to understand customers. Thus, when i, as someone who has some understanding of various cultures and differences, say that i like and i understand what Dunnhumby does, i know it’s about knowing and understanding people.
The second reason is the idea of working with a multinational-multicultural organization with vastly talented people. Dunnhumby as an organization puts genius in delivering the best to its customers. And to deliver genius one has to have genius which in Dunnhumby are the people working for it. Joining a company with such a talent pool & global exposure would benefit me personally and professionally.
Thirdly, for me working for Dunnhumby would be a long term career decision coherent with my career objective. I want to make a career out of something that i like doing. I have a passion for knowing people and my schooling and college have inculcated in me analytical skills essential for the job at Dunnhumby. Thus Dunnhumby for me is a logical choice.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009
loneliest day of my life

Saturday, September 19, 2009
regular jobless chat... nothing spl

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I cheat, I steal and I lie : the not guilty perspective

I do. And I accept it as is. I can see it while I do it. And ignore it while I reflect upon the same. And may be that’s what makes me human. I've indulged in these ever since I can recall. I do it on a day to day basis and I don’t see myself quitting in any foreseeable near future.
I stole an ice-cream today from the canteen along with the ones I paid for. It’s despicable an act, considering the fact that am educated and have means enough to buy one of those every other day . I feel guilty in a strange way today. Not cause I stole an ice-cream. Its cause I stole "only one" ice-cream. Must have cleared the whole store.
I lied when I said I did not have a pen-drive when I had one, when an acquaintance of mine asked me for it.
I cheat myself on a daily basis when I say I will be a better man. No stealing- no lying-no cheating. That’s not me. I thrive on it.
Am I bad enough. No I don’t see it. I see people equally corrupt if not more. Cheating... stealing and lying...
Discussing on the same table social issues plaguing the most destitute of our country, where millions live in penury and without food we spend our "100 buck - baldies" eating useless junk. Vituperating against the same system we are part of without doing anything to correct it, we have lost all morality to say anything. Each one of us indulges in it.
But that’s how it is. That’s how things work. Am just being odd enough to be shamelessly open while doing it and admitting. Am just idiot enough to do it to please people. Am just myopic enough in stealing "one", while I could have devised some way to clear the whole everything. I was not selfish enough today. That’s where my fault lies. Improvement . Am crude in my practice. I must be polished enough not get noticed. I must be remorseless enough not to feel the guilt. And fake enough to castigate any and everybody under the sun who cheats, steals or lies.
I cheat. I steal and I lie. And I WILL LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Vanilla Sky

Saturday, June 20, 2009
top 10
Monday, June 15, 2009
Deep forest and gupt :(
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sheer beauty

Am in love with guns...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
quantity and quality
Sunday, May 24, 2009
such a lonely world

Friday, May 22, 2009
The one when the condom scene happened.

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
to me...
Monday, April 27, 2009
1. What does my user name mean?
2. Elaborate on your user photo..
Thats me, without Nigam and Ankit (croped the pic), from our Jaipur Trip pics.
3. How many comments do you have?
Count em... Not many... i donno... i don care.
4. Whats your current relationship status?
Gimme more :P
5. What exactly are you wearing right now?
Pajamas and tee
6. What is your current problem?
Internship. Finding a good intership/training for the summer holidays.
7. Who do you love the most?
who else?..... My laptop! :P
8. What makes you most happy?
Being with freinds.
9. Are you musically defined?
Flows in my veins. Moody on the genre... from metal to melody... nythin works dependin on the mood..
10. What would you do if you woke up one morning and discovered you were on cocaine?
Did i Fuck? they say its heavenly to fornicate on cocaine! rofl! :P
11.If you could go back in time and change some thing what would it be?
12. If you must be an animal for a day, what would you be?
Eagle. Mighty, the ruler. Will fly nywhere...
13. Ever had a near death experience?
lol many! many many!
14. Name an obvious quality you have?
"Machana" - barua calls that my forte. Screwing favourable situations. Messing. Teasing.
15. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
16. Are you happy today?
yup I am. But unsatisfied.
17. Who will cut and paste this first?
18. Name someone with the same birthday as yours
:P i dont care. My birthday is ma birthday.
19. Do you have a secret crush on someone?
20. Do you have a garbage disposal in your kitchen sink?
21. have you ever been in a fight?
yes i have... All kinds of fights. fist fights. Verbal. But that was school days... i don remember being in any fights in college, verbal or otherwise.
22. have you ever sung infront of a large audience?
lol... neve
23. Whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
OO lol.... he he.... mmm,,, serious! intelligence, poise.
24. Say something totally random about yourself?
Am gonna make my inner soul proud. I love my freinds. Am helpful. Sometimes mean. Light hearted... and love pjs.
25. Has anyone said you looked like a celebrity?
yes they have... i remember someone told me ki am similar to farookh shaikh... rofl!
26. Are you comfortable with your height?
27. What is the most romantic thing somebody's done for you?
kissed me.
28. What are your favourite smells?
Burberry brut, thierry mugler. Au fresh, Versace. (lol I have both of em!!!)
29. What's something that totally annoys you?
two faced people.. Plastics! fuck plastics!
30. What's something you really like?
Vela with freinds...
31. Do you give random hugs and kisses?
:P nope. not so physical in expressing my emotions.
32. What's the latest you have ever stayed up?
Now thats my forte... have stayed up all night... that too like zillion times
33. have you ever been rushed into the emergency room?
34. Whom would you tag?
Friday, April 24, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Superstition is extension of beliefs

(CL mam ne kaha thaa likho, so... here it goes.... )
Belief is not gods or daemons. Belief is not a cat or a cow. Belief is not a witch doctor or a voodoo.
Its not so myopic in its scope and trivial in its vision.
I feel strongly against any claim that superstitions are an extension to beliefs. No!
Belief is life. I live cause I believe in a way of life, my ideals, my principles and my podium to stand a moral high -ground.
Beliefs are oft quoted as ones religious affiliation, but are they so limited in their meaning?
What would you call your principles then? Is it not your belief?
What would you define the reason of you working for your goal in life? Is it not your belief in your goal that compels you to work so hard for it?
Look around you…
Why does a soldier fight for his country and risk his life? Its his belief in his duty, his obligation to protect the motherland!
You! Don’t you help when your friend and your loved ones through thick and thin? Is it your superstition that he might do you good at some later point ?
No! you love them and you believe in your love.
You trust god and do follow his shown path of good and just. What is it? Its belief!
On the contrary, what are superstitions?
Don’t you know what they are within the heart of your hearts? In fact we ourselves have coined and defined the term as an irrational awe of unknown. Yes! We are afraid of the unknown, we observe them. But we don’t define our existence around them. You don’t go about doing your everyday work, thinking about a cow or a cat all day. Superstitions are nothing but our means to respond to our call of curiosity, our way out of fears. Not a path to ones destiny.
Before I conclude my stand, I would highlight to the thought which might be running amok in your mind, that we don’t live in such a utopian world where people essentially have a philosophy and live with a goal…
No, we do live in such a world.
The very fact that world exists proves it. And it does cause people believe it. You believe it!, You do!
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
VELA blog.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Somewhere something is burning. Its searing and it burns and there is smoke… Its choking breathlessness. Results are out...
Its not about marks… I know it was never about em , and never shall it ever be… I know it cause I believe it. It wont stoop so low as to blame Richa's of our college for my loss. It was never them. It was me.
Its just that I've lost currency.
I've lost my currency. And I feel pain for my loss. A currency that I have every right on. A currency of every hour spent sleepless and every cigarette smoked to concentrate bit more, to cover another chapter. A currency of hard work. Or was there no hard work… just a record of fecklessness, hubris and incompetence…. A life of profligate insanity... Of hee -hee … haa haa… alas! My rewards mock me!
Its so hard to accept... you are ordinary. Why should it be that hard... When you are nothing but ordinary. Why does this chimera , this surrealism… of being not the other guy in crowd. I AM ORDINARY. I AM HUMAN. I AM THE OTHER GUY IN CROWD. I AM CROWD.
F*** you R*** gupta! teri to
Sahi hai jee! hawa mein ud rha tha ek sem mein 80 gaye... ab padhai karunga... lol
vaise bhi kaun sa marka le kar duniya se jaunga... khalee haath aaye the jee khalee haath jaana hai jee... marks to bas moh maaya hai jee...
Ps. I should join military… shouldn’t i? where life is pride and death an honor… even for ordinary people like me...